Premium barefoot slippers made of natural and skin-friendly materials in elegant colors
We firmly believe in our vision and that our footwear is the best for you and your children.
Tatjana L.
"The best choice for small feet!"
We are aware that proper development is only possible if the feet are as free as possible, so our footwear supports natural movement.
Soft, airy and non-slip. Wool felt slippers are perfect for yourself or as a gift! Browse through the different colors and fill your basket.
Snugi is recommended by pediatricians
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Kids classic slippers
Lowest price in the last 30 days: 24,99 €
Lowest price in the last 30 days: 27,99 €
Lowest price in the last 30 days: 27,99 €
Lowest price in the last 30 days: 27,99 €
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Barefoot walking is the most natural form of walking and enables the healthy development of the foot. Our footwear mimics and supports this.
A child’s foot goes through incredible changes in the first years of life. From little footsteps to confident strides.
Our guide to measuring the foot to help you choose the correct shoe size.
I always recommend Snugi slippers to parents because they have a non-slip sole, are wide enough and do not pinch the child’s foot. As a result, the kids don’t even know they are wearing slippers. They are also made of such a soft and cosy material that they do not hinder the children when learning new movement patterns (sitting, shifting from lying down to all fours, standing up and walking). Being soft and flexible, they allow the foot to respond appropriately to movement, building the dynamic foot control needed for transitioning to more upright positions – standing up and walking. I feel happy every time I recommend Snugi slippers to parents, because they always come back with positive feedback, and I always hear new stories about why they were the right choice for them.
Our feet are in contact with the ground and carry us from the first steps onwards. That is why it is important to offer them appropriate footwear that imitates walking barefoot, enables the activation and strengthening of all foot structures and has enough space for the toes, and at the same time is fixed on the foot and does not fall off during walking.
Especially for the first steps, it is important that the footwear is not hard, awkward and heavy, because babies or toddlers still make a lot of transitions between kicking and standing up and walking.
All this is made possible by Snugi slippers, with which it is also great that you can choose the type of sole, an additional protective cap, you can choose from many beautiful motifs and you can wash them in the washing machine.
With such slippers, the little one also learns to take them off more easily and quickly, and later on, since they are easy to use without fastening.
For older children, the super grippy and non-slip sole comes to the fore when running fast and climbing.
Snugi slippers are a smart choice for encouraging good quality movement patterns and posture in babies and children. Because they are so soft and made of natural materials, they give a feeling of walking on barefoot. They do not constrict the child’s feet, as they are wide enough in the toe area to allow the toes to spread properly during the weight-bearing and pushing-off phase.
Because they are so soft, they adapt well to the foot and do not get in the way when moving around, playing on the floor, climbing or walking, and they do not slip off. Because the sole is thin and soft, it allows the foot to pick up information about the underlying surface, enabling it to experience all the sensory/movement input from the ground. The child can then respond appropriately with movement and posture, or with an appropriate balance response. And it is good balance responses that have an important influence on the high-quality development of the arches of the feet. Because a foot that is not supported by additional support on the sole is much more active. The fact that the Snugi slippers do not extend past the ankle also contributes to a good balance response, allowing even more foot activity and better dynamic stability in the ankles. On top of that, the sole is made of a non-slip material to further ensure the stability of the feet.
As not all feet are the same, it is a very welcome benefit that all our slippers are handmade and customised. So they are also suitable for feet with a higher instep, wide feet, and narrower feet.
They are super soft, comfortable, spacious, airy, with a non-slip sole, and made of natural materials. They are suitable for babies who are just beginning to stand up and walk, as well as for those who are a little older and already discovering the joys of kindergarten. As they have no fasteners or velcro they are easy to put on, and children quickly learn to put them on themselves without parental help, which is great for the process of becoming independent.
Since school children also spend a lot of time in slippers, it is very important that their slippers are also suitably designed, of good quality and allow them to move their feet as freely and unencumbered as possible. It is important especially for this age group to have non-slip soles to prevent as many accidents as possible when running in school corridors and gyms. As the feet are still growing and developing during this period, a good choice of slipper is still very important.
For grown-ups too, Snugi slippers are a solid choice, as after many hours of wearing tight shoes, the slippers will help relax and soothe your feet.
Since Snugi slippers are made of completely natural materials, the feet do not sweat in them, as all the materials can breathe and are friendly to sensitive children’s skin. Also, all Snugi slippers are machine washable.
For the healthy development of children’s feet, experts recommend walking on barefoot. But because of the climate we live in, we know that for most of the year this is not possible. The best choice for our feet are slippers that act like a second skin – SNUGI slippers. Children’s feet appear flat in the developmental phase of walking. The arches of the foot only start to develop when we begin to apply a load to them. They should feel the ground underfoot, and the slippers must be safe, comfortable and soft to allow movement of the toes and unrestricted growth of the foot.
The water shoes are compact enough to make walking on pebbles smooth. With a thin flexible sole, they contribute to a more natural walk, as the feet in them can bend, stretch and adapt to the terrain, as if they were barefoot. This allows for better sensory perception and better balance.
Due to the toughtek sole, the foot is protected from slippery, sharp stones, as well as other possible sharp objects in the sea.
I would recommend Snugi water shoes to all children, even those with reduced tone, because due to their flexibility, they challenge the foot to better dynamic stability of the ankles, which ultimately leads to a better posture and better movement patterns from a young age onward.
They are an excellent solution for sensory-sensitive children, as the slippers have a rubber band that gently grips the foot and prevents sand and small stones from getting under the toes. This makes playing in and around the water more carefree and uninterrupted.
Let me tell you about my positive experience with your slippers… We were given a pair of Snugi slippers from my niece, and now, since September, my daughter has been wearing them in kindergarten, and they are still completely intact. We also have snuggles at home and they are as good as new. So I’ll just say that these are the best value slippers money can buy! The next slippers I buy, should I need them and don’t inherit some, will be from Snugi.
Received the barefoot slippers and I’m really excited. Simply beautiful, comfortable and once you have one, it’s hard not to buy more. I would also like to thank you for your kindness, flexibility, fast shipping and constant readiness in case of an exchange or something similar. Not to mention the new patterns are insanely beautiful and I’m already getting gift ideas, so another plus here.
These are the slippers my mother got for her 62nd birthday. She was really excited and very surprised (she didn’t expect anything like that). So that some of us, despite our age, keep the child in us with your slippers, top!
I realise you already know this, but the last time my 100-year-old grandmother went to fetch the little one from kindergarten she said to me – do you know, everyone used to have Ciciban’s slippers back in the day? Well, now everybody has ones like Niko and Mark. And today I looked in my wardrobe and out of 20+ slippers, I really only saw three pairs that weren’t yours. So congratulations! And of course, thank you for a fantastic and affordable product.
I take my daughter for development therapy and the physiotherapist recommended your slippers. They really are very effective. My daughter now walks more confidently and I’m not worried about her slipping when she walks.
Your slippers are a winner! We have a pair for at home, one for kindergarten, and we also keep a pair at grandma’s. Great idea and product. Basically no-one else comes close. Now we will also give the Toughtek sole a try for the first time, once our little girl has grown a bit.
I just want to tell you that I am very satisfied with your shoes. I am a teacher myself and I wear your shoes in kindergarten as well as at home and they are really great, as if I were barefoot. First of all, I didn’t have official shoes, so my feet hurt all the time, because I work with children for 1-2 years, so I spent a lot of time on the floor and always had to take off my shoes and then look for shoes all over the playroom, which of course, who is around you turn it around, you don’t even have a shoe anymore. The slippers are so comfortable that I don’t have to take them off and my feet don’t hurt anymore… And our house already knows which shoes to bring me.
These are the best slippers we’ve ever had. The children do not want to take them off at all. They’d even wear them in bed.
I’m a student of physiotherapy, in the process of graduating… I’ve almost given up on finding barefoot shoes, just for fun I look at your website (I thought it was only for children) and discover a miracle.
Hello. We are fans of your slippers, and now of your shoes. And if they are not the softest and most comfortable children’s shoes.
Snug water slippers are great. We have them all over the spa – in the water and when walking by the pool.
Hello! I just want to say that the guests were so impressed with the felt slippers that they said they were ordering them too.
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Mar 3
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Dec 16
¡En nuestra familia Barefoot, el frío ya no es problema! ✨
Hoy te presentamos las Snugi, unas zapatillas de andar por casa ideales para quienes buscamos comodidad, libertad de movimiento y respeto por la salud de nuestros pies en casa. 🌿👣
🔍 Snugi es una marca comprometida con el bienestar de toda la familia. Fabrican sus zapatillas a mano en Eslovenia, bajo principios de sostenibilidad y diseño respetuoso con la anatomía natural de los pies. 💚 Certificado Clase 1 Oeko-Tex 100.
👨👩👧👦 Tallas disponibles: desde los más peques hasta los adultos (desde la 18 a la 44). Ideal para pies anchos y empeines generosos (aunque la goma se puede ajustar para pies medios). Mocasines de la talla 19 a la 38.
💶 Precios: entre 24,99€ y 32,99€ según la talla. Mocasines 27,99€.
🌱 Materiales: upper textil, forro de algodón (fieltro en los mocasines), la puntera puede ir reforzada con microfibra. Suelas de tan sólo 2mm, infantiles con silicona antideslizante o microfibra en tallas más grandes, EVA en los mocasines.
🎨 Opciones disponibles:
• Colores neutros y combinaciones modernas.
• Diseños unisex.
• Modelos específicos para niños y adultos.
• Se pueden personalizar con el nombre y añadir refuerzo de microfibra en la puntera en modelos infantiles.
Perfectas para mantener los pies calentitos y cómodos en invierno, mientras cuidamos nuestra pisada y apoyamos una marca responsable. ❤️
Déjame tus dudas e impresiones en comentarios, y dime ¿tú que llevas en los pies en casa en invierno?
Saludos Barefooters,
Nats 💕
📌 Colaboración gracias a snugi.si
#Snugi #ZapatillasDeCasa #CalzadoBarefoot #FamiliaBarefoot #Minimalismo #PiesFelices #LibertadDeMovimiento #Sostenibilidad #InviernoConfortable #VidaBarefoot #RespetoNatural #CuidadoDeLosPies #slippers #barefootslippers #snugislippers
Dec 10
Popolna bombaž in žamet kombinacija za decembrske dni ✨
Zeleni toni, motivi gozda, in naše najljubše Snugi copatke 🌲🦌🌳 – vse, kar potrebujete za mehko, toplo in prikupno zimsko idilo! ❄️ Ta kombinacija je čista popolnost za dolge sprehode ali crkljanje doma.
Odkrijte trajnostne, naravne materiale, ki bodo navdušili tako vas kot vaše male zakladke. 💚 Pridite nas obiskat v Petit Bateau Slovenija in odkrijte čarobnost naše nove kolekcije!
📍 Stari Trg 30, Ljubljana
🛒 www.olia.si
#PetitBateau #PetitBateauSlovenija #OtroškaModa #DecembrskaIdila #NaravniMateriali #ZelenaKolekcija #ZimskaPravljičnost #ModniNavdih #MamiceSlovenija #OliaSlovenija #petitbateaubigfamily #BabyClothing #SustainableClothing
Dec 5
🌟¡SNUGI, las zapatillas de estar por casa más cómodas que encontrarás!🌟
Hay muchos estampados, de lego, dinosaurios, bambi, lisos, zoo.. ¡Seguro que encuentras a tu favorito! Son totalmente antideslizantes.
Aprovecha la Black Week y disfruta del descuento aplicado en la web, podrás adquirirlas por 19,99€ 🖤
¡No te lo pienses! 🥳
#lasabatetabarefoot #calzadorespetuoso #calzadoinfantil #snugi #zapatillasdeestarporcasa #zapatillas #snugibarefoot #barefoot #Tarragona #BlackFriday #descuentos #blackweek
Nov 25
Si te encanta andar descalzo por casa, pero el frío en los pies te hace pensarlo dos veces, aquí te traigo una selección de zapatillas para andar por casa barefoot. Con estas opciones, puedes mantener tus pies calientes sin renunciar a la libertad y el respeto que tus pies merecen. ¡Opciones en todas las tallas y con distintos materiales para elegir según tus gustos y necesidades!
Para mí, por seguridad y salud de los pies, es indispensable y fundamental que vayan sujetas al talón para que sean respetuosas. Especialmente importante en personas adultas mayores y peques.
Las de Xero y Mukishoes no están diseñadas específicamente para “andar por casa”, pero me parecen opciones geniales.
Añade tus opciones o comenta tu favorita en comentarios 🤗
Saludos Barefooters
Nats 💕
#BarefootLife #ZapatillasParaCasa #EstiloBarefoot #CaminarDescalzo #RespetoAlPie #MinimalistShoes #NaturalMovement #ZapatosBarefoot #CalzadoRespetuoso #ZapatillasMinimalistas #PieLibre #BarefootLife #HealthyFeet”
Nov 11
𝐒𝐍𝐔𝐆𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐤𝐢 🤍
Pri nam so snugi.si stalnica saj je Mia veliko na nogah. So mehki, ne drsijo in se lahko obujejo. Jih tudi zelo rada nosi in so odlični za prve korake in tudi kasneje. Imajo jih v več različnih vzorcih tako, da je prav težko izbrati samo ene 🥰
Nov 11
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